2014 calendar

Happy New Year–New Class Sessions Added!

Welcome to 2014!  We hope you’re off to a great start in the new year.  Most people seem to make one or more New Year’s Resolutions, and the goals are usually self-improvement.  Not too many of us resolve to eat more cookies…  But there is one thing we can all use more of, and that’s training!  We’re pleased to announce the addition of two training classes to our 2014 schedule.

We have a Delta II class on 1/23 and 1/24.  This class is a hands-on class for those of you who have completed Delta I and have some experience working with your system.  In this class, you’ll be creating an entire controller database from scratch, including GCL+ programming.

In addition to that, we have a Delta III class on 2/20 and 2/21.  This is for those of you who have completed Delta II and have more extensive experience.  It’s similar to the Delta II class but adds networking and a more challenging project.

We hope you’ll take advantage of the FREE training we offer our customers.  Please click here to sign up!
